Politics (City Council)

The city council (Bürgerschaft) represents the citizens and is the supreme policy-setting and decision-making body of the Hanseatic City of Stralsund.
The city council is responsible for all important matters concerning the city, especially matters that, owing to their political weight or economic impact are of fundamental importance for the city.
Peter Paul, President of the city council
Current council term 2014-2019
Presidium of the city council
President | Peter Paul |
First Deputy President | Thomas Schulz |
Second Deputy President | Maria Quintana Schmidt |
Allocation of seats
Number of council members: 43
Parliamentary group CDU/FDP |
14 Seats |
Parliamentary group Bürger für Stralsund / AfD |
8 Seats |
Parliamentary group SPD |
6 Seats |
Parliamentary group Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen |
6 Seats |
Parliamentary group LINKE offene Liste |
5 Seats |
Individual members Wählergruppe Adomeit |
2 Seats |
Individual member AfD |
1 Seat |
Individual member NPD |
1 Seat |
0049 3831 252 186
0049 3831 252 188
City Profile
Tradition meets Modernity: Not only is the year 1234 easy to remember, it also marks the beginning of Stralsund’s exciting 780-year history.